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Causes of Mold and How to Prevent Them

Mold is a serious issue affecting countless homes. But where does it come from? There are countless causes of mold, but fortunately there are lots of ways to address the problem. Read on for the causes and solutions to each case.

Problem: Cold walls and windows

Solution: Keep the Heating On
Mold occurs where there's moisture on your surfaces, and this in turn is caused when the moisture in the air comes into contact with cold walls and other surfaces and condenses into droplets of water. By keeping your heating on you can prevent that moisture from turning into condensation and thus avoid those surfaces becoming a hot bed for mold (or a cold bed..).

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they will save energy by keeping their heating off until the last possible minute, but actually the vicious cycle of moisture cooling down cold walls further means this isn't the case. Use a thermostat and keep your heating at a persistent level.

Problem: Lack of fresh air

Solution: Open the Windows
While it's important to keep the heating on, it's also important to open window at least occasionally so that you can let air in to circulate. A common problem that people have with mold is that the air isn't moving freely around allowing moisture to build up. Start each day by 'airing' your rooms for an hour or so and you'd reduce this problem.

Problem: Circulation

Solution: Avoid Air Pockets
Another way that moisture can build up is if you have air pockets in your décor. Air pockets are spaces between furniture or fittings and walls - such as the gap behind your sofa or wardrobe, or the gap behind your curtains. These air pockets often build up mold, so to avoid letting this happen make sure you leave no space or a very big space and move your items around from time to time.

Problem: Moisture

Solution: Lifestyle Fixes
Everything we do from breathing to running a bath will create condensation which can contribute to the build-up of mold. However, there are ways we can do to reduce the amount of condensation we produce. For instance, when boiling the kettle to make tea, try to avoid using more water than necessary. If you do have water in the kettle afterward then you should pour this away in order to prevent it from standing and creating steam. Another tip is that you should run the cold water first whenever you run a bath. This way you avoid leaving hot water standing in the tub. There are many more pointers which are mostly just a matter of common sense. For instance, you shouldn't hang up clothes indoors to dry if possible, and you should use the hood if you cook soup on the hob. Taking just a little thought when heating water can help you to avoid needing professional mold removal.

Problem: Leaks and Floods

Solution: Water Damage Restoration
The final cause of mold is a flood or leak. If a sufficient amount of water gets into your property and causes damage, then this can of course lead to the growth of mold. So what’s the answer? While waterproofing is always a good option, it will often be too late for this. That’s why water damage restoration services and mold remediation companies are so useful.