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What is Mold and Why You Need Mold Removal

Mold is one of the most common problems affecting homes around the world. Mold is unhealthy, it is unsightly, and it is hard to get rid of. That’s why it’s so important to use take measures to prevent it and to eliminate it when it does arise. But in order to do that, you first need to know precisely what mold is so that you are best equipped to tackle it. Read on, and we’ll go over the basics.

What Exactly Is Mold?

Mold is the black (sometimes blue or white) stuff that appears all over your surfaces in your home. It is particularly common in bathrooms, on the ceiling, on windows and windowsills, and in any dark or dank corners of your home. The reason that mold tends to accumulate in these places, is that it likes moisture. Mold is in fact a type of fungus that is very similar to mushrooms. Like any plant, this fungus requires moisture in order to thrive and grow. Mold reproduces by releasing spores into the air which can float and travel long distances. When it then finds somewhere that is damp, it will set up camp and begin to grow. As well as moisture, mold needs one more thing to grow: some kind of organic material to feed off. Think of this as being like the fertilizer that you would sprinkle onto your garden. Good options can include dust, they can include wood, or they can include paper such as that found in books. As long as these basic requirements are met, mold can begin to grow within 24 hours. The reason that mold is so common in bathrooms and windows, is that these are places that tend to collect condensation. Condensation occurs when the tiny particles of water vapor in the air come into contact with a cold surface. This causes the gas to condense – becoming a liquid again – which in turn makes the surface wet and suitable for mold growth.

Why Mold is a Problem

Mold can be a serious problem for numerous reasons. Firstly, mold is unsightly can severely ruin the appearance of your room. Mold is one of the substances that humans find physically repulsive. Thus, if your bathroom is covered in patches of mold, then this can be extremely off-putting for guests that might want to wash there otherwise. This can also cause significant damage to your property, as the moisture and mold will deteriorate the material that they are attached to. Finally, and perhaps most seriously, mold can also cause serious damage to your health. This is because mold is actually toxic and releases ‘mycotoxins’ into the air. These toxins can then cause a range of health issues that include asthma, eczema, and more. One of the most worrying things about mold, is that it often goes unnoticed. Thus, you might find yourself breathing in mold that is located under floorboards or behind your wallpaper, and never know why your health is deteriorating. This is why it’s so important to use mold remediation, and to make regularly inspections for it.