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Why You Need Mold Inspection – The Invisible Threat of Mold

If you have mold in your home then it is very important to get mold inspection and have it dealt with. Mold might seem like harmless growth on your walls that has nothing more than an aesthetic impact, but in fact it has many more negative impacts on your property and on your health and it's very important to address these. Not only that, but mold can exist entirely without your being aware of it. This means it might be causing ongoing damage to your property (including your foundations) as well as to your health.

How Mold Damages Your Health Without You Knowing

If you’re waking in the morning with a scratchy throat, a headache, low energy, or generally poor health, then there is a chance you need a mold inspection. Mold can live beneath floorboards, in the gaps in your walls, or even behind cupboards while you are none-the-wiser. While you can’t see it, it may be releasing mold spores into the environment and mycotoxins that damage your health and that of your family. Symptoms tend to be worst in the morning, after you have spent the night in one place, inhaling the damaging substances. The simple fact that you have mould spores in the air will mean that your body is forced to fight against them and prevent them from having a negative impact on your health. This means that your immune system is under heavy fire for that time and this will cause your health to deteriorate as it can't fight other inbound attacks. If you find yourself constantly feeling ill and developing colds then, it is important to use mold testing to find out if this is maybe the cause. Otherwise you will find yourself constantly at the mercy of flus and colds and unable to get on with your life as normal.

How Mold Can Secretly Destroy Your Property

Just as hidden mold can cause your health to deteriorate, it can also destroy your property. If you have ever had water damage, then this can leave lasting, invisible moisture that causes mold to gather. This can then deteriorate your floorboards, eat through wooden beams, and even cause structural problems. For all these reasons, it is critical to find out once and for all whether you might have a mold issue. If you have health issues, if you hear creaking or notice your floorboards deteriorating, and if you notice a constant “damp smell” that you can’t get rid of – call for mold inspection.

What Does Mold Inspection Involve

Mold inspection is not the same as mold removal. A mold inspector’s job is to help you identify whether you might have a mold problem. This can involve using testing kits and sampling methods, including probes and infrared sensors. This can also help to identify the source of potential leaks or water damage. Finally, a mold inspector may be required to carefully knock through walls or remove furniture. They will do this carefully and leaving minimal damage however, and it is certainly better than the alternative – allowing mold to silently eat away at your home and your health until something serious happens.